Let's Connect
Contact us
Our office is open from 9:30 am- 3:30 pm from Monday through Friday. Have a question? Fill out the form below and we will respond ASAP.
Deane Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 104 Main St., Wellsboro PA 16901
Social Media
If your event takes place in the evening or on the Weekend (after noon on Saturday), you are welcome to park in the C&N bank parking lot on Water street, directly behind the Deane Center or the parking lot behind the County Courthouse on Central Ave. Parking is free in these lots. Metered parking is free after about 6pm.
Our one request is you do not take up the parking places on Main St. in front of the retail stores. We like to save those for retail customers.
Warehouse Gallery & theatre
Many events are held at the Warehouse Theatre or Gallery. Most Hamilton Gibson events are there. The Building is located on Central Ave. around the corner from the Deane Center and across the street from the Courthouse. It is also home to Arise Cafe at 1 Central Ave